Monday, February 19, 2024

Visit to the Jail

 I got to visit Taylor in jail not too long ago. It was so nice to see him. I am able to talk to him pretty often on the phone, but seeing him in person was reassuring. He has the same twinkle in his eyes and as usual, was quick to smile. It was so good to see him. 

Arriving at the jail I was surprised to see such a different side of D.C. The area felt unsafe and was definitely a neglected part of the city. I didn't expect that. I also didn't expect how startling it was to see where he is living. Barbed wire circling the tops of the walls, feeling like you walked into a third-world building, litter everywhere, cars parked up on curbs and in grassy areas. It was just startling. So sad to think of that being Taylor's's heart breaking really.  How badly I wished I could bring him home with me.  

I don't really know what the solution on jail should be, but I feel like there could be a better way, and it's worth exploring. I'm working on starting a non-profit right now. We just incorporated and are working on our non-profit status... I'll talk more on that another time. But, while doing some research, I was shocked to find out that the U.S. has the highest incarceration rate out of any country. I've read quit a bit about what incarceration does to children and families, even generationally. It affects society in a major way,  and even still, it seems to be something we turn our head from. I've felt the affects it has had on our family, and we have been beyond blessed with so much support. My heart aches for the families that have to endure this. 

I flew into DC Thursday and left on Saturday. I was able to stay with a college roommate that I haven't seen in over 20 years, and that was wonderful. We stayed up talking both nights, until our eyes couldn't stay open any longer. She lives in Virginia, about an hour and a half from the airport. I so enjoyed the drive going to her home.  The rolling hills of that part of the country, and the bushy trees were gorgeous. I could imagine the landscape of the 1700's, when America was just a baby, and it was an overwhelmingly sweet experience.  Before my flight on Saturday I got to visit Mount Vernon. I loved the 4D Revolutionary War documentary, touring Washington's home, learning about the slaves that worked on his farm and taking in the unaltered view on the beautiful Potomac River. It was breathe taking to walk around the property and take in the farm scene. I was planing on spending some time to see the Capitol that day, but I was so enamored with Mount Vernon, I had a hard time leaving...I guess the other sites will be left for another day. 

Friday evening, after I visited Taylor, I attended a January 6th vigil. Ashli Babbitt's mom started the vigil more that 500 days ago and it has run every night since then.  While we were outside the jail various inmates would call in to discuss anything they would like. It was great to have Taylor call in and hear him speak, while being so close to where he was at.  At the end of the vigil the inmates inside of the jail sang the National Anthem, while we joined them singing from the outside.  The whole thing was emotional for me, and I'm glad I was able to go. Not only was I glad to hear Taylor, but so glad to meet so many people that are in DC to support him and other J6 inmates that have gone through that jail. J6 vigils have popped up in other parts of the country since was an honor to be there and meet those people.

If you are interested in listening to the vigil that night, I'll include the link : 

(All of it is great, he talks at 1:31:00)

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