Sunday, June 30, 2024

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail- 06/30/2024

*Invitation to join a fast for our Nation: July 1-July 3

Welcome to the Sunday devotional from the Washington DC jail. Three inmates from the J6 pod share inspirational thoughts, things they are going through and insights from inside the jail. 

Joseph Hutchinson- Inmate #388311

Jonathan Pollock-

Dominic Box-

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail

Monday, June 24, 2024

Elise's Graduation and fast for the nation (July 1-3)

 And time just keeps going…


We homeschool all of our kids. Elise was the first to attend a public school two years ago, when she started a local program where you can earn your Associate’s Degree the last two years of High School. About a week ago she graduated with her Associates in General Studies.  She has done an incredible job.


Kids keep getting bigger and time seems to be going slowly and quickly.  


There have been a lot of ups and downs in our home…the ups have definitely outnumbered the downs and we are so grateful for that.  Things aren’t quit right with part of our family (Taylor) away, but we are making due. 


Overall,  we continue to carry on in a hopeful way. I have been overwhelmed with gratitude for the fact that we are still making it financially. We are in a sort of limbo until our home sales.We have received help and support from so many of you, and we are incredibly grateful. I wonder often how we will make it, and can’t help but look back at all the miracles we have seen so far. I thank the Lord every day for His continued care for our family.  


This last Sunday Devotional Joseph mentioned that the inmates inside of the DC Jail will be doing a fast for our Nation. I wanted to let you all know, so that you could join. 


***God,  please bless and heal our land and the people here…

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail- 06/23/2024

Welcome to the Sunday devotional from the Washington DC jail. Three inmates from the J6 pod share inspirational thoughts, things they are going through and insights from inside the jail. This week we were invited to join a fast for this nation, July 1st-3rd. We would love for you all to join and spread the word!

To find out more about these inmates, their links are provided below: 

John Todd- #388351

Joseph Hutchinson- Inmate #388311

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's day- J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail 6/16/2024

Welcome to the Sunday devotional from the Washington DC jail. Today is Father's Day, and we want to wish all of our J6 men a Happy Father's Day. This week we get to hear from a former inmate, and we are so happy for his release.  We will also hear from 4 inmates from the DC Jail share inspirational thoughts, things they are going through and insights from inside the jail. 

Thank you for joining us!

Larry Brock:

Dominic Box-

Ben Burlew

Jonathan Copeland- https://www.givesendgo.


J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail

Sunday, June 9, 2024

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail- 06/09/2024

Welome to the J6 Sunday devotional from the Washington DC jail. Two inmates from the J6 pod share inspirational thoughts, things they are going through and insights from inside the jail. 

To find out more about these inmates, their links are provided below: 

Joseph Hutchinson- Inmate #388311

Curtis Tate-

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Feeling the Fireworks

 The fireworks always start being set off early here in Kingston. That’s something you can expect each year. We have a couple of Indian reservations around where we live, and they usually start selling fireworks pretty early…the really fun ones. As I lay here in my bed tonight I am loving the energy of the fireworks being set off, somewhere not too far. 

Fireworks are so reminiscent of the 4th, and them being set off early creates such anticipation. The holidays have been strange without Taylor. Everything has really. I wonder what the 4th of July will bring…

I’ve been thinking about how it’s amazing that each person in a family creates this sort of energy that meshes together with everyone else to create a kind of harmony. Sometimes the harmonies play in minor chords and it begs for some sort of resolve. But, most the time the melodies come and go and there’s a sort of rhythm about it all that is just beautiful.  

Elise is leaving soon. Technically her and Ben will be leaving soon. They both have worked as camp counselors at a boy scout camp in McCall Idaho for the past few summers, and they will be headed back there soon. But, this summer is different. She graduates in one week and after they get done at the camp she is headed to Utah on a new adventure. 

I haven’t really minded change in the past, but it seems to be something so destabilizing the last little while. I want to keep everyone close…I’m really going to miss her.  


Friday, June 7, 2024

The Wood Shop (Taylor)

 Written 6/4/2024


I took a 13th Amendment Job in the woodshop today to pass the time and learn some new skills.  Today I got to work with Drill Guns, a planer, a jointer, table saw, belt sand and circular sander...all in one day.  The woodshop makes American Flag plaques and challenge coin holders for retiring C.O.'s around the country.  They also fix cabinets, chairs, and pretty much anything else dealing with wood.  It's nice because I am in the woodshop with 2 other Jaysixers, we are pretty busy working, but it was nice to be around those guys.  The C.O. over the woodshop is really cool and supportive.  I will be doing less walking now, today after Woodshop I only got about 5.4 miles in before count.  It's starting to get warm and humid.  The weather here reminds me a lot of Brazil.  It is humid, when it rains, it rains really hard, and the rain isn't really cold like it is in Seattle.  When storm systems roll in they usually only last 1/2 day or even faster.  I am accustomed to the Seattle area, when weather systems roll in there, they last for days coming of the Pacific ocean like they do.  When it rains, it often rains or drizzles for days.  I haven't seen anything like that here.  

One of our Jaysixers went home this morning (or more accurately to a 1/2 way house).  He had a 2 year sentence, with first step and 2nd chance act he ended up dong I think 16 months.  (It would have been less but he was in the hole for 127 days and lost good time due to an email he sent that ruffled feathers).  I will miss him, he was a Lt. Colonel in the US Air Force and flew A-10 warthog planes on multiple deployments in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.  He was in active combat a lot and had great stories.  He also had a Political Science degree with a minor in International Studies and Military Science...the exact same degrees I have, even the minors.  He and I took very different paths...but ultimately ended up in the same place, lol.  I only knew him the short time I was here, but he looked out for me when I got here and helped soften the landing.  He was the first one here, and did the same for the others when they arrived.  It just goes to show the extremely diverse backgrounds of people involved in the jaysix incident.  There is a shared trauma bond, and we helped each other find purpose and meaning in all this.  

I sometimes am overwhelmed when I think about the duration of time I 'might' end up being here.  The gentlemen who left this morning filed an appeal and WON, his appeal is what reduced my guidelines from 109-135 down to 70-87 (of which I got 87 months).  His appeal is also applicable to my current sentence should we appeal.

Last night we asked him what he learned while he was here, anything good he took from his time.  He said he loves this country, and while there is a lot of hurt being prosecuted by your own country, he shared some intimate things that only someone going through this can truly understand and I can't really share here...BUT, please be cognizant each one of you have a role to play...Your vote matters, your energy matters, there are undecided voters who we all know.  I know I probably preach to the choir a little here, but don't underestimate your ability to make a difference.  My recommendation is to listen to the candidates themselves, and not what people say about them, encourage others to do the same.   

I love yawl,


Unbearable nights

 The pain almost feels too great. It’s like a giant boulder, burning on my chest. During the day there are so many things to do and people to care for, but the nights are haunting. 

I fell asleep tonight, only to be woken by thoughts of prison and Taylor. Fears of the future. I know that faith cant survive in an atmosphere of fear, but sometimes that faith stays hidden for a moment and fear is allowed too much power. 

Oh God, where is your pavilion?! I listen to the breathing of my children. I pray their dreams are sweet, but I know that they suffer from nightmares like me. 

I think we humans try to find purpose in everything, I guess that’s one of our gifts. You wonder if it’s delusional, maybe a coping mechanism. 

What heals a heart from something so terrible? How do you move on when the pit doesn’t go away?

Nights like these seem to always come back once my sleep starts to get caught up. It’s almost more bearable to live with the sleep exhaustion, because I don’t have to face the nights of hell. I’m just too tired to wake up, and can get longer nights of sleep. But now it’s back.  

God, it hurts so bad 

God, please watch over him. 

God, please heal my impossible heart.

Please heal my children, with their broken hearts. 

Caleb asked my mom the other day if she had Trump’s phone number…she said she didn’t, but asked why he needed it. 

“….. I just wanted to call and to ask if he is winning”

Weeks ago he asked how long dad will be gone. I told him it will be a long time and I wasn’t quite sure. I said it might be sooner if Trump wins…

He asked,  “Mom, is Trump good at the game”

My reply was, “ I hope so”. 

I hate that things are getting hotter on the political front. I hate to see more and more people getting locked up, and the political right getting more and more agitated.

I pray that men’s hearts will not fail them. I see so much escalation on both sides of the political isle. 

Please Lord, please bless this divided country. Bless us as brothers and sisters. God, please bless that chaos doesn't prevail and that love for our neighbor rules the day. 

Please God, please grant us grace. Grace for our neighbor, grace for ourselves. Thank you Lord, for the calm that can only come through you. This world is a fallen world and maybe that’s the point… Please give all of us the wisdom to see things as they are and things as they can be. Please bless that this fallen state can rise in our hearts to be a paradise for one another. 

I pray for the prisoner tonight. 

I pray for the wanderer that is seeking to find

I pray for the wounded children 

I pray for the wounded adults that silently suffer

I pray for the broken hearted 

I pray for the widower 

I pray for the medically ill

I pray for the mentally ill

God please grant us grace and the eyes to see one another as you see us. Please help us live the gospel that we profess to believe. 

Thank you God, 

Your daughter who loves you,


Sunday, June 2, 2024

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail- 06/02/2024

Join us for this Sunday devotional from the Washington DC jail. Two inmates share inspirational thoughts, things they are going through and insights from inside the jail. 

Heather is inmate # 389468- c/o Victoria Hughes 12747 Julmar Dr., Byron MI.  48418

To find out more about Olivia you can visit their family's Give Send Go page:


Thank you for listening, Marie

J6 Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail