Wednesday, December 13, 2023

#29 - Sleepless nights and ramblings

It’s 3 am and I can’t sleep

I’ve  heard of a broken heart before, and I think I might have one. I hurt so bad. Caleb (who will be turning 5 in a couple weeks) prayed tonight in our family prayers that dad would come home. It was so simple and so sweet.  I love the prayers of little children.

Nights are the worst, and waking up I’m forced to confront the reality that Taylor is still gone. I reach out to God. So grateful that I know that He is there. So grateful for the lifeline. I have had my fair share of challenges and I have always been grateful for the things that I have learned on the flip side. There are things that I have believed about the nature of God that have been solidified to a knowledge because of so many of those experiences, and I am truly grateful.

I remember praying when I was in my early 20’s for God to give me all the lessons, so that I could be molded into something really great. I’ve always had a pretty firm belief that this life is a training ground, and I’ve felt deeply that everything I learn will help me to become something that my soul yearns for. I think it’s a yearning that we all have - the longing to connect with the divine.

 I am grateful for this chance to feel what others have felt and to go through something that I never would have thought I would ever had to endure. There is something beautiful about the judgment that melts away and the sympathy that one can feel towards others when you walk a difficult and less trodden path. 

I couldn’t possibly do this on my own. There’s a beauty to that too. I have received so much from others. It really is beautiful. 


I’ve homeschooled our kids since my oldest was in Kindergarten (really before that, we all homeschool at the beginning). She is a Senior now and is enrolled in a college program where she will get her Associates in a couple months. She has been our little guinea pig and it’s been quite a  journey along the way…with all of the kids. No one homeschools because it’s easy. We didn’t start homeschooling because I wanted to shelter my kids or I thought that they would get bullied in school. It was a call to me, and it’s been such a learning experience.  I love that I get to be there for so many successes.  When a new concept finally clicks or we learn about something fascinating I get to watch my kids eyes light up… it’s so fun. It keeps my brain going too.  I love the books that I have read and the new things I have learned through my children.  I love that I finally reached a point where I truly love learning and confident that I could learn anything, it’s all about the time and effort you put into it. 

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Child Development, but most of my education was in Early Childhood Special Education. I remember learning about brain, physical and social and emotional development from babies to late teens. After Elise was born I was living close to my sister, who was homeschooling at the time. She told me about a book that had been inspiring for her, called “A Thomas Jefferson Education”, by Oliver DeMille. The book reinforced a lot of the thoughts I had in college about the way kids learn. Elise was almost two at the time, and thats when I decided that we would take the homeschooling path (so grateful for a supportive husband that saw I felt passionately about it, and was super supportive).

I am grateful I have been able to homeschool my kids- I love the connection it has created between all of us…I worry about this-how will I be able to do it all with Taylor gone...all the things a mother's heart considers...

...just some ramblings…

Taylor just called, it’s 3 hours later there. It’s nice to talk.

-7:30 am

This morning at sunrise, colors of pink and orange started to cover the trees in front of our home. The sky is beautiful this morning. What a gift!

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