Thursday, January 18, 2024

A Dream-


A dream

-Taylor Johnatakis

One night I dreamed a dream.

Along a pathway I walked, no place to go or be. I traveled without purpose. Others passed me, going to and from, but where or from was not known to me. Some seemed to have purpose, some passed quickly, some at a lingering pace.

I asked within myself, where am I to go, what am I to do? There must be something to give meaning to this journey. Suddenly a still small voice whispered, "ay, see the clearing over there?". I looked and beheld an opening, a meadow. I walked into the opening and saw others toiling in a labor. One was building a foundation, others erecting walls. I heard the voice again and joined in menial labor, gathering stones. I gathered both large and small to pile into the center.

No one spoke to each other of a grand plan. There were no blueprints to examine, no leader to consult. People would come off the trail, look around and see nothing of value. Some would come with hastened purpose and contribute skillfully to the labor. A wall would go up, with craftsmanship to be admired. Some would complete a task, and without consultation one with another, would stand aside. They would pause and wait for another instruction from the voice within, the voice we all seemed to be following. Some would grow impatient and return to the path. Some would linger and soon, without direction, join in another labor.

I watched with amazement (as I gathered stones), at the skill with which the structure was arising. There were many sides, each connecting and turning inward. WIth perfect symmetry it surrounded the pile of stones in the center. Each wall had an opening, where people could come in to admire from the inside. No roof was erected. With the structure near complete I noticed an old woman standing not far off, holding a bundle of sticks. She stood and watched the walls go up. There was no laborer talking.

A masterpiece unfolding without direction from any one man, but contributed to by all. A masterpiece was unfolding.

Soon the pile of stones was tall, seemingly just a pile. Each stone had been picked and placed as the still small voice had uttered. The voice became the master. Soon a slab was selected, different from all the stones. It sat atop the pile and turned it into an altar.

The work complete, the laborers stood back in awe of what they erected. The artistry and craftsmanship was more than any expected. Laborers who contributed greatly had come and gone. Some lingered after their assignment, then started again, without external prompt to begin new work, to bring the creation of the master to completion.

How could so great a thing be built by so many, with seemingly no one to direct them?

By the end we all knew the voice, even without saying. The master's voice, dear to each and every. We watched the lady, old and frail seemingly without much to contribute, walk inside and place the sticks on the altar. What happened next amazed us. Flames shot through the structure, rising well above its walls, such that all the people on the path stopped and saw with amazement. Drawn in, we all heard the voice loud and clear, "Sometimes all that's needed is your testimony, your witness, your flame and my work for all to see!"


I have pondered on this dream for many years. I have allowed the "voice" to guide me and it led me directly here. What part in the grand work I contribute, I know not. There are no plans from which to work, no outward direction to follow. I listen to the voice. It tells me the next step to take, what to do, say and write. I trust the voice, knowing I don't know the end from the beginning. I have watched as others came along the way, some mocking my actions and intentions, while others joined the work without request or prompting from me. Our hands worked together for a time, then separated without hurt or anger. When I have tried to force my issues, I have always been met with defeat. When I listen to the master's voice, which I have come to know and love, my labor has led me into prison walls. I know my life is to build an altar, so that the testimony of one can be heard by all.

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