Sunday, January 14, 2024

And the world keeps spinning…

 There’s a beach that I visit that is kind of a “holy beach” for me. There’s never really a lot of people there and it is always so calm. The beach is only 5 minutes from my home and I often visit when I want to think or pray. The kind of prayer that is more like a conversation, the one where you listen more than you talk. January of 2016 I came to this beach with a small group of close friends and my immediate family. It was freezing outside and the water was even colder. In the Pacific Northwest the water is cold most of the year anyways. That day there were eagles circling the beach. They landed in a tree nearby and watched as Taylor and I made an outward commitment to God to do what He would have us do. We were baptized in that cold water and the event was something I still cherish to this day.  I think about how each of us have a glorious path to walk in this life. Sometimes when we hear of great people I think we put a limit on how many great people there can be. The truth is, each of us have our own missions and mine doesn’t take away from yours, or yours from mine. I have homeschooled my kids using a philosophy called “Thomas Jefferson Education”. One of the phases of life and learning is called the “Mission Phase”. Each one of us has a mission, and we  are part of this giant tapestry that is being created. I wonder what the masterpiece will look like when we are done with our part…

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