Friday, November 24, 2023

#14 Jail- Thanksgiving

 It's acutally the day after Thanksgiving, but I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough last night to write. I was able to sleep last night. No panic attacks.  That was nice.

It was so good to talk to him yesterday. Our conversation was for about 15 minutes, and it was pure therapy. He called again two other times, Western Union, for 5 minutes, and that was also a huge gift.

They are treating him well. He is in a cell for 23 hours and gets out for an hour to make phone calls and shower. He got a turkey slice for lunch and saved his slice of pumpkin pie so he could eat it tonight in his cell. The day before he found a book lying around and asked the guard if he could have it. It is called "The Deep South", by Richard Grant. He had already read it once through and was about half way through the second time when he saw somone else holding a book.  He asked if he wanted to swap. Turns out the new book is more a scienc book and is pretty dry. I don't think the swap was as good as he had hoped, but I think he is happy to have anything to help his mind. This reminds me of the book by Louis L'Amore, "The Education of a Wondering Man". It's Louis's life story and focuses alot on books and writing. He was a hobo and would make his way through the country by train. The hobos would pass around books they would find and he read a lot of books by way of coming and going. Taylor kind of reminds me of Louis L'Amore in a way. The guy consumes so much literature and information. He loves to visit people and places. It's one of the things I love about him. 

He had planned out how his night and next day would go. He would hopefully be able to fall asleep to the book, be woken up for breakfast at 5am, hopefull go back to sleep after that until lunch.  It's lonely in the cell, and he's hoping he can pass the time the easiest way possible.

 He is in good spirits. He had mentioned Victor Frankl and how he was hoping to take this opportunity, that neither of us thought we would ever have, and use it for our good.  "I'm free in my mind...they can't take that away from me". I knew he would look at this situation like this. Some people are hardened by experienes like this...never Taylor. It's probably the thing that is the most comforting. 

He asked about the kids, even thought that when he got to a different unit he might be able to help homeschool them.  That sounds lovely. 

What do we do without our Taylor??

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